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Company Values

Let’s be honest – property management is a pretty dull subject. In fact people often tell us they wouldn’t want our job! One of the things we work hard to maintain and develop is the culture of our Company. We’ve always aimed to treat people with respect and have fun doing it!

It’s for those reasons that the whole team at managemyproperty have developed the Company Values that we operate through. This is not a mission statement because, well, they’re usually just a feel-good framed certificate on the wall of the reception area.

Our Company Values are what guide us through the work that we do for our Client Owners, tenants and trades suppliers. Here they are:

Teamwork All Day

Play nice – Support and speak well of each other, act with integrity, include the whole team

Keep It Simple, Keep It Fun

Don’t sweat the small stuff, stay open-minded and optimistic, practice empathy and understanding

Broadcast Well

Keep everyone in the loop, communicate responsively and honestly, promote transparency

If it is to be, it’s up to me

Be firm and fair, make decisions with integrity and respect for everyone you meet

Celebrate Good News

Acknowledge the victories, even the small ones, throw a party for no reason at all

These are managemyproperty ’s Company Values, and this is how we do business.

powered by real people